Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Topic 16

Tonight's class was very fun. I can see Wikis and Podcasts being fun to use in all parts of my life, school, family, church, work, fun.
pbworks.com seems like a really good website. I'm going to work on it this week. Wikis seem a bit open for all kinds of unwanted intrusion. I think, for myself, blogs are more secure and safe. I wouldn't feel quite so open to people adding or taking away things I wanted in it. With blogs they can add, but they can't change what was written before. I can though. We also learned that Wikis are not good for short periods of time where more than one or two need to edit.
I also learned that there are over 100,000 free podcasts I can download from the itunes store. That was very good news. So much information for free. I like!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that blogs are better if you don't want people to change things that you wrote. Wikis are too open to fraud and false information . Although, wikis could be useful to plan trips with a group of people that are not in the same town.
